Jacques Derrida - Exam point of view

What is the term used by Derrida to refer to the numerous possible meanings that differ from the one? ~ Trace

Derrida' s Exam Points

☄️Associated with Deconstruction
☄️Deconstruction-multiple meanings of text.
☄️Part of the Yale School along with scholars including Paul de Man,  Geoffrey Hartman.
☄️According to him 'free play' is disruption of ''presence''
☄️His Binary Oppositions.(Man /Woman, Inside/Outside, Presence/Absence, Speech/Writing)
☄️Differance- quality of being different.
☄️He is precursor to describe the presence of multiple meanings in literary work.
☄️ His famous term- Aporia {deadlock)
He defines Aporia as "no man's land", where the inability to cross becomes the inability to create a formation, structure, project or marking boundaries in his book Aporias (1993)
☄️Aporia refers to unresolvable difficulties a text may open up.
☄️Derrida focused on four areas of paradox: gifts, hospitality, forgiving, and mourning. Aporia is a state of undecidabilty.
☄️Derrida gives example the inherent contradictions at work in Jean Jacques Rousseau's use of the world culture and nature.
☄️ His famous statement - "there is nothing outside the text"
☄️Derrida coined the term différance (meaning both a difference and an act of deferring} to characterize the way in which linguistic meaning is created rather than given.
☄️Derrida's work received some criticism from analytical philosophers. John Searle is one of his critics.
☄️The concept of "arche-writing" is developed by Derrida.
☄️Arche-writing refers to a kind of writing that precedes both speech and writing. He said that arche-writing is, in a sense, language, in that it is already there before we use it, it already has a pregiven.

☄️In "Of Grammatology'',{1967}  Derrida argues that no fixed, stable meaning is possible in  literature.
☄️The English translation of "Of Grammatology'' by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak was first published in 1976...(1967/1976)
And introduced by Judith Butler.
☄️In his Of Grammatology (1974), the French critic Jacques Derrida best asserts that a writing is directly related to what Saussure believed to be basic element of language difference.

☄️The concept of "Metaphysics of Presence' ..Derrida argues that metaphysics affects the whole of philosophy from Plato onwards.
☄️In his ""Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences" { lecture presented at Johns Hopkins University on 21 October 1966, lecture was then published in 1967 as chapter ten of Writing and Difference}  deconstructs the binaries(opposite) - bricoleur / engineer. He says that the engineer as the master designer of plans is only a theological idea. He cannot construct anything. He too works with what is available to him. ☄️In this sense, the engineer is also a bricoleur.
Note- Bricolage" used by the structural anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss to describe the nature of mythic thought in so-called 'primitive' societies.
☄️Bricolage is made by existing stories and other available scraps in a culture.

The term ''Chora''/''Khora'' {by Plato) was rediscovered by Julia Kristeva & Darrida.
His other works
1.  Speech and Phenomena : And Other Essays on Husserl's of Sign (1967) Or,
Voice and Phenomena: Introduction to the Problem of the Sign in Husserl's Phenomenology (1967) 
2. Writing and Difference (1967) (Trans.1978 )
3. Margins of Philosophy (1972)
4. Signature Event Context (1972) 5. Positions (1972)
6. Spurs: Nietzsche's Styles.
7. The Archeology of the Frivolous: Reading Condillac{1980}
8. Dissemination {trans. Barbara Johnson}
9.Signsponge (trans. Richard Rand)
11.The Post Card: From Socrates to Freud and Beyond {trans. Alan Bass}
12. The Truth in Painting {trans. Geoffrey Bennington}
13. Limited Inc
14. Acts of Literature
15.Archive Fever: A Freudian Impression
16.Chora L Works, with Peter Eisenman.
17.Resistances of Psychoanalysis
18 Who's Afraid of Philosophy?: Right to Philosophy.
19.The Animal That Therefore I Am


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