
Showing posts from October, 2024

One Word Substitution

   ONE-WORD SUBSTITUTIONS 1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture. 2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first 3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God 4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind 5. Autocracy – government by one person 6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself 7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person’s body which is infected 8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons 9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept 10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession 11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles 12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water 13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea 14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease 15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation 16. Anthology – a collection of poems 17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of the throne in favor

Some idioms not to forget

  SOME IDIOMS TO REMEMBER 📗 (A little bird told me) something that you say in order to let someone know that you are not going to tell them who gave you the information being discussed. 📗 (A pain in the neck) someone or something that is very annoying. 📗 (A piece of cake) something very easy. 📗 (To lay off) to stop using or doing something. 📗 (pigs can fly) There is no chance of that ever happening. 📗 (Dead tired) Totally exhausted or fatigued. 📗 (Call it a day) to quit work and go home; to say that a day's work has been completed. 📗 (In charge of) Having control over or responsibility for. 📗 (In the way) to be close to doing something. 📗 (Be my guest) Help yourself, After you (A polite way of indicating that someone else should go first, help himself or herself to something, or take the last one of something).

Jacques Derrida - Exam point of view

What is the term used by Derrida to refer to the numerous possible meanings that differ from the one? ~ Trace Derrida' s Exam Points ☄️Associated with Deconstruction ☄️Deconstruction-multiple meanings of text. ☄️Part of the Yale School along with scholars including Paul de Man,  Geoffrey Hartman. ☄️According to him 'free play' is disruption of ''presence'' ☄️His Binary Oppositions.(Man /Woman, Inside/Outside, Presence/Absence, Speech/Writing) ☄️Differance- quality of being different. ☄️He is precursor to describe the presence of multiple meanings in literary work. ☄️ His famous term- Aporia {deadlock) He defines Aporia as "no man's land", where the inability to cross becomes the inability to create a formation, structure, project or marking boundaries in his book Aporias (1993) ☄️Aporia refers to unresolvable difficulties a text may open up. ☄️Derrida focused on four areas of paradox: gifts, hospitality, forgiving, and mourning. Aporia is a sta